Friday, June 21, 2013

Week in Review- Summer Fun

Summer Dining on the Deck
(and time to sneak Buddy Love a little extra)

Darren is eating with us (but he hates the camera).
Some people say 'put that cell phone away at meals'.
Darren tells me to 'put the camera away at meals'.

Summer Friends
Double Ear Infection for Carlee 
(Sit Ups for Connor while waiting for Doc.) 

My favorite quote from the doctor this week:
Doctor T.:  Your children don't need to be valedictorian or top of the class, 
as long as they are good children, that is what is most important.  I could see your Connor being on America's Got Talent with his personality.  It is usually the valedictorians that don't do well anyway, and the average children that do outstanding things. 
(pause) Of course, I was a valedictorian, but I am just a doctor.

Me:  Oh yes Dr. T, what a disappointment you must be to your family [sarcasm] to be a doctor with a thriving practice and not to be on America's Got Talent.  :)

You know you do it too! 
(but do I make a great looking Hulk or what?)

Connor planted a bean from Science Day at school last year, and now it is actually growing beans- we haven't killed it! 
I heart Science.

We were so excited to go to the Trampoline Park with Mrs. L. and her boys!
It was GRAND fun.

Of course Connor is a maniac and can jump the whole time.
Carlee tried to jump, but she mostly loved being bounced by my jumps.  

This is Connor getting in trouble.  
I don't really know why, but I am guessing it is because you can't do 
 a.) triple, double, quadruple flip between each square 
or  b.)you can't jump up and hang from the rafters.


At one point I was taking pictures, pictures, pictures....
and Carlee CLIMBED INTO THE DODGE BALL ARENA!!!  (This is the first year Connor has been old/tall enough to get in there!)
 Connor screamed, "Mommmm, Mommmm, Carlee is in the Dodgeball!!"
To my defense, Carlee is one quick little tot.  
I stepped in the little flap opening, and thank goodness the young employees were paying attention and halted the game. 
Everyone payed attention and stopped.  They picked Carlee up and handed her to me.  All the kids were laughing.  
Connor was mad at me.
(insert: I am dying of mortification because my daughter could have became a human dodge ball).
I don't know if you have been in  a dodge ball trampoline pit, but it would take 1.1 seconds for Carlee to get her head kicked off by accident.

Thank goodness for good mothers like this one who kept us in line.
It doesn't matter what me or my children do, 
Mrs. L. views the best in everyone!

Next on to Ms. J's Backyard Bash with 
(as I have grown to call) my Good Time Girls.
here and here and here.
Ms. L and I were killing ourselves to get there.

I really, really, really was going to skip the whole thing.
Carlee had not slept and I had no sitter.

HELLO.  This is what I have to carry with me for two children!
My Good Time Girls insisted that I come bearing children.
That is how you know you have good friends, they want your company even if you have to bring children.

Ms. J. was so kind.  
This was really a grown up woman party, but
when we arrived she had set up bubbles, a wagon, a pool, toys, and food for my children. 
She went through a lot of work.  
Ms. J. is ALL heart.
To see her interact with the children, at her party, made me think she is probably the best nana ever.

I was able to eat and enjoy because the other ladies took care of everything.

Mrs. A. walked a screaming Carlee the whole time.
WOW!  just Wow!
Love you dearly ladies.

 Rainy Summer Afternoons 
I actually enjoy a few rainy days.

Writing letters to our church missionaries.
I can't go, but I hope I can encourage.
An amazing group of adults and teens are leaving for Puerto Rico to serve God and the community next week.

Church Planning-
What did people do before the internet? 
There are so many cool things on the internet, but the coolest was a red sea science experiment next month.
(I just hope it works, my track record is not that good for experiments).

Baby Book Project (Part 1)

(Did I mention I am obsessed with pictures?)

A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken.  ~James Dent

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