School is OUT!
We had one of our most successful years in third grade.
It was just like childbirth, hard but worth it!
I celebrated Connor's third grade year by taking him to a place he has always wanted to go....
He was very excited to eat here. He named all the lobsters in the tank while we waited...
which came as quite a shock when he ordered a lobster for the first time and ate it all UP!
After we played a fun game of Putt- Putt Golf.
I totally dominated the whole game!
Meanwhile, we have been working very hard on a Paci Free Lifestyle,
if your old enough to sport purple glitter shoes, your old enough to give up the paci.
All the rage on the playground.
Now that summer is here,
we have been resting, spending time together, and soaking up as much Vitamin D. as possible!

Imagination, Play, and Laughter: this is good for the mind, body, and spirit.
It's sad we can't fit it in more during the school year.

So you may have remembered my Mother's Day Gifts:
I made sure that I allowed the same creativity for Darren's Father's Day this year. It's only fair to allow the children to pick out his gifts without my help.
Who doesn't love a Justin Bieber puzzle and Home Depot Tony Stewart drink cozy?
This was my favorite gift. Connor picked it out. A flashlight attached to headgear!
It was well received!
Next we headed on to visit MeMa.
She was eating lunch, so we played pool, checkers, and read a book while we waited.
Then we headed to the lake!
The last time we went to the lake, Carlee cried the ENTIRE time.
The sand did not agree with her sensory issues.
This year was much better and she had a BIG time.
When I first met Darren, I knew anyone who cared for his family and his dog like he did would make a great dad.
I hate to say, once again I was right (as usual)!
My kids have a great, involved, and loving dad.
Happy Father's Day
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