It is that time of year that we reflect on our many blessings and joy!!!
This year our family has had a very lovely and joyful year, and all without the help of antidepressants! Of course the year isn't quite over yet. My children are currently bouncing on the bed with candy canes stuck to their butts, so the doctor may hear from me yet.
I can't write a letter without mentioning my sweet precious angels.
My son Connor is in the second grade. He is so full of life and energy. I love our conversations.
He recently attended a fancy Christmas party at his teacher's house.
He was thrilled until he saw the housewarming gift I bought for him to take, a lovely sparkling apple cider.

He flat refused to give his teacher "champagne". I told him it was apple cider not alcohol. The only way he would take this picture was to pose in the BACKYARD. No matter what I said, he still acted like I was a drug dealer pushing crank, so I delivered the gift myself.
I thought it was a great gift idea, and I am sure you all agree that I am a brilliant gift giver.
Second grade has prompted a lot of growth in Connor. He is working hard daily.
Gingerbread Assignment: in the morning, because we forgot to write it that night. |
Although we may not have achieved "Academic All Stars" or even "Mom Signed Planner Nightly All Stars", I am proud to say Connor did compose an entire breakdance to MC Hammer's- Too Legit to Quit' that included both 'the worm' and 'the moonwalk'. I remain proud and agree always that you are too legit to quit Connor.
Breaking it Down |
This picture was taken after the one of her reaching into the knife drawer before I moved to the living room.
I just love each new word, expression, and personality trait. Just this morning when I made her breakfast she threw it across the room and screamed "NOOOOOO mama!" Lucky for her, my NEW Keurig machine (is the Keurig machine an accomplishment?) just completed a fresh cup of coffee for me before I could tackle the high chair in my sleep deprived mode.
Both brother and sister, love each other very much. As their mother, I have encouraged a close and loving relationship. As you can see from their joined Santa picture, Connor means to be comforting his screaming and terrified sister instead of posing for the camera. To his credit, Connor is at the age he really wants to show Santa he means business. When it comes to being on Santa's nice list, you are on your own baby sister.
Carlee, i've worked hard for this moment, cool it. |
My wonderful husband, continues to work hard, love his family, and after ten years of marriage he is close to properly unloading the dishwasher.
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#1 Dad |
He plans to go into the New Year with a goal of health. Basically, when he tried on his black sunday pants, he said he 'looked like a trapeze artist'. He may have put on the pounds, or it may be where I tumble dried the pants four times because I kept forgetting to get them out of the dryer.
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Sunday Best |
I am thinking of making health a priority myself. Just the other day, a pair of maternity pants almost felt a little loose on me. I call that progress. Now that Carlee is a little older I have been taking some ME time, doing things like brushing my teeth and showering daily. I may even make time to go to a spa, and get one of those fancy wax jobs for my facial hair.
Professionally, I am still serving and loving children with my sidekick Mrs. E. This year, I have enough second graders that keep the schedule and stapler up for me. We have only forgotten pick up times a few dozen times, lost the stapler a few dozen more, and my cell phone hasn't ended up in the fridge.
The other day I held a meeting, and when I didn't agree I didn't burst into tears with snot running down my face. I just made this face:
and moved on. Professional accomplishments mean much to me. Additionally, Mrs. E. has only had to redo her time sheet once or maybe twice. Together we continue to grow and learn in our field.
Keep Calm: And Sing a Christmas Song |
Spiritually, God continues to offer His loving patience, guidance, humor, and daily mini-lessons. I certainly need it. This year I have stepped out of my comfort zone to teach the youth, teen group, on Sunday mornings.
This past Sunday not only did my lesson last longer than twenty minutes, but I taught my own lesson from the bible, Luke Chapter 2. We had a very enthusiastic discussion. The discussion was actually about Star WARS parts 1-5, and somewhere I lost control, and paper balls went flying.
My skills are slowly developing.
Like they say, do not take life too seriously, or you will never get out of it alive.
This year the Sechrist family wishes you all a Merry Christmas, and we pray that this holiday you enjoy the important things in life: faith, family, friends, laundry that doesn't multiply, Facebook(s) that aren't political, and unexpected naps during the day.
With Love,
Amanda Sechrist
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