Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Real Day (of Post-its and kids)

4:45am:  snooze times 3

5:30am:  scheduled a 40 minute workout this morning, which is now down to 20 minutes thanks to my Facebook scrolling.

6:00am: time with God in scripture and prayer, so many needs I'm reading about, so many things to hand over to our all knowing, loving Father.

6:20am: Connor has 2.3 seconds to get ready because I am Súper Late-O!  His blood is instant coffee.  He is up and running.  Lucky his hair looks the same brushed or unbrushed.

6:40am:  breakfast sausage and eggs, 
pack lunches, while getting dressed (at the same time) 
daily hairdo choices:  bun or ponytail

"natural look"

7:00am: Connor awakens Carlee.  Darren gets up.  He begins to get himself and Carlee ready for daycare.  kisses and cuddles

7:20am:  Out of the Door..... when Connor reminds me, he doesn’t have a book bag.  The arm broke off yesterday.  Crap. Double Crap.

He has three options:  Food Lion Bag, Flowery Vera Bradley, or my MAC case.  MAC case it is.

7:35am:  pull into school on two wheels and give over our concerns to God.  I silently pray my clothing is on right side out.  When we get in,  Mr. E. has saved the day by repairing the broken book bag.  
C: ‘Now I won’t look like a dork.’

7:45am:  I have three things on my list this am.  I start to work when  a. the phone rings- parent concern  b.  a visitor asks for a favor since I have a “less children” and a “full time TA”  (sigh)  I want to explain the purpose of intervention, needs, and regulations.  Instead I smile and write down the favor on a Post-it.

8:30am:  planning over.  zero accomplished on list.  

8:40am:  Unit Weather Morning Circle:
I get another phone call, when I see a child balance himself on a chair like a trapeze artist (and I’m kind of impressed) but tell the child to get down before child is hurt.  Meanwhile, another little person comes up to me and gives me a shoe that is tied in such intricate knots that I swear David Blaine couldn’t get them loose.  Milk spills on another table.
Mrs. E. is finding extra breakfast and a change of shirts for another student.  I have to cut this call MAJOR short.  I write down to call back...  on a Post-it.

10:00am: celebrations.  One child achieved 100% letter sounds for the first time, and one child moved up a reading level!  whoop.  
New progress notes on a Post-it.  
Skittles and Pennies all AROUND.  
Such accomplishments and BIG smiles.

11:00am:  Tornados in a Jar and Writing Time 
(after reading all about what we would do...) 

me:  What do we do in school if there is a tornado Little Johnny?
Little Johnny:  Why do your glasses look weird?
I give a lecture about respect, paying attention, and that my glasses are totally cool.
me: Little Sally, where do we go if there is a tornado?
Little Sally:  Can I take this tornado in a jar home?

I get it.   Time for a break.  I ponder putting my own head between my knees and taking a nap against the wall as a “demonstration”.
Instead I get out a ruler, scissors, and a #2 pencil because ....
I will get this shoe unknotted.

The SPECTACULAR Mrs. E. finds another pair of shoes to replace the knotted pair because I give up.

11:40am: late 20 minute lunch-  a bologna sandwich, greens, scooby snacks, and leftover rice from last night (aka. whatever would fit in my bag).

I watch Mrs. E. put the finishing touches on our Fundraising Flower Pot for the silent auction- due tomorrow.  #itsabeautifulbirdfeeder

busy day 
(but she is really joking around here)

I start to work at my desk, when I remember I need to phone in a allergy prescription (sore throat coming on) and call Aunt T. back.  We have a chat and she is coming to take me to lunch Saturday with no children.  #treat

12:15pm:  There is a  universal rule curse on me when using the copy machine. One of these must happen:  1. be jammed  2. run out of toner  3.  copy my copy in a magnification of 500 while it staples in the center and I have no idea how to fix it quickly 4.  another teacher is making 10000 copies of War and Peace in front of me.
Curse machines and the knotted shoe.  They have both licked me today.

1:00pm:  NuMbErS
The students dress in rain gear and stomp/hop on laminated number puddle the appropriate # of times. #numbersense
HIT.  5 stars!

Game:  students roll (not throw. roll.  not throw) dice and place that number on self designed umbrella.  2.5 stars! 

Counting to 10 or 100.... never gets old.

2:30pm:  need to leave soon for Carlee’s wellness visit.
A child reminds me that I promised I would get his spiderman gloves from his classroom teacher.  I run (meaning walk as fast as I can without passing out).  The teacher says it is ok to give the gloves back as long as there is no play with them during class.      

2:45am:  social lesson:  gloves are for wearing, not playing.  Even if you are the real spiderman.

3:15pm:  daycare run.... late, late, late.  I put Carlee’s new coat on her.  She gets mad and throws herself on the floor because she wanted to do it!

common theme these days

She screams bloody murder all the way to the van and all the way to the doctor.  I consider inventing a valium drive thru for times like this.

3:30pm:  Carlee needs a diaper change that goes right through her clothing.  I have one outfit in her diaper bag.
Two sizes too small.

The Clampetts have arrived.  
like my outfit??

3:44pm:  Dr. T:  I can see you don’t like me.  Would you like a sticker and a sucker?
Carlee:  a dada?
Dr. T: Dora?
Carlee:  uh. huh.  
Dr. T. chats with me about both children.  He is a very attentive and good doctor.  
hearing assessment is in order next week.
(another Post-it)
Carlee has one shot.  She has officially had all of her vaccinations until kindergarten.  She is healthy!

lipstick makes the boo boo better
4:30pm:  Dollar Store:  pick up a few things to teach next week's language theme:  Spring/ Gardening.  
$20.00 and Carlee gets a cookie for her ‘boo boo’.

5:00pm:  Pick up time for Connor.  He tells me he was in a bit of trouble.  He found a plastic comb and pretended it was  switchblade.

I talk to him about the seriousness of words, and causes for suspension at school.  He said he was acting out the part in “Grease”.  Lovely.  I will just call after school care and explain that he meant he was going to “kill” with slicked hair, bad singing, and a switchblade comb.  no. thank you.

5:30am:  Carlee and Connor hug like they have not seen each other in weeks.
5:32pm: Connor starts yelling at Carlee for throwing his John Cena behind the couch.  
5:34pm:  They are giggling hysterically over the book ‘Potty’.
5:36pm:  Carlee is crying because she wants Connor’s shoes off of his feet and he refuses.
5:45pm:  I burn the bread.  

6:00pm:  Darren comes in and the children embrace him like he is the one trying to fix their burnt bread.
How was work?  How are you?  
(what we really mean- I need a nap)

6:15am:  another diaper change is needed.
Darren:  I’m tired from work, can you do it? 
Me:  (a stare that spawned a thousand deaths)
Darren:  ummm.  never mind.

6:30pm:  Dinner and we discuss a way to manage school fundraiser time, kid pick ups, soccer saturday, car repair appointment, and things we need.  Connor tells a funny story.  Carlee shows her “boo  boo”.  Connor takes three bites, and asks if he can have cereal.
(insert death stare here).

6:40am:  Homework/ Review of Awana Scripture
Connor and I have lots of engaging conversation.

How was school?
I don’t know
What did you learn today
I don’t know
Who did you talk to at lunch today?
I don’t know

7:00pm:  making a lot of careless mistakes.  I talk to him about the importance of using his brain and thinking things out.  

I can’t read planner- what does  ‘bring shack mean?’
I don’t know.
I text another mother.  
20 minutes later I get ‘shack’ is ‘snack’.  
I quit talking about using your brain.

spell. the. word. it has been 15 minutes.  spell. the. word.
I leave the room to have him work independently.
I come back and he is hanging upside down off the bed saying “Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?"
My voice is like a firecracker to “hurry up” and he falls off the bed.
We finish, review scripture, and give a prayer of thank you.

Darren gets the kids in the bathtub.
I clean up the living room.

finally some Disney TV time

Darren gets the kitchen.  (Rocks it.)  

I play and cuddle Carlee.
She likes for me to ask her to find things in books.
Carlee sleeps with four blankets and four stuffed animals.
They all kiss. kiss. kiss. kiss. her.  She giggles.  A lock of her hair falls over her eyes.  She is my sweetie cutie doll.  
She is a gift.

Darren works on bills.  I avoid him at this time.
Connor gets in my bed.  He asks me if Michael Jackson’s ghost is real.  There are no ghosts.  He starts to tell me about WWE, and that he gave another boy a pep talk at after school ‘just do your best, trying your best is what matters’...  and it felt good.  Then he asks me why I wear MC Hammer pants.
my PJ- MC HAMMER pants?
I love C.  He is so full of energy, personality, and compassion.  

9:15pm:  I get on the computer to work on my list of things to do from this morning and to organize all my ‘post its’.
I open my first PBIS email:  ‘SET accessories and overview: SETS are active, This is not to say that schools do not have to use data or submit data - it just might not include ODR data due to PowerSchool issues.  Include that information when presenting the exemplar implementation efforts!’  
I decide it must be written in Chinese because I don’t know what in the HECK I’m reading.  I cut to mindless Facebook and read the latest headlines instead.

Darren finds his debit card in his shoe, we see his wallet is open on the dresser (within Carlee’s reach), and the other cards are under bed.  
We tell a story or two about the day.  He tells a funny story about how when he was younger the only way to watch a wrestling ‘paperview’ was a closed circuit TV with a limited set of monitors. Once he got tickets to watch it at the BIG I on the BIG screen!
We are olddddddd.

11:00pm:   Thankful for day to day life, the ability to work hard, the health of everyone in the family, no emergencies, the richness of the day.  
high five day

Thankful for Post-its.
Thankful for sleep.

..blink twice for I love you, zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, March 23, 2014

One Minute

One Minute of Connor

One Minute of Carlee

Soccer Mom

It looks like I'm a "Soccer Mom".
And so far it has turned out to be quite the adventure!

new soccer gear- yipee

practicing with dad

We initially signed up for a league within our district.

Little did we know:
it was a 40 minute drive, 90 min practices not including games, soccer field (aka. cow pasture) had no restrooms with a two year old, and most of the other children seemed much older and taller. 
 Really, these things didn't bother Connor, he seemed to have fun.  He was not as bothered as I was when a fourth grader told him he was going to  'drop his corn' if he didn't 'shut up'.  

I Googled it in the Urban dictionary at home and it means 'bust your head' in case anyone wants to 'drop someones corn' at work or something.

The next day Connor was tired, didn't do well on his spelling, and I knew we were not going any farther with this league.

I had heard about a soccer clinic offered locally with another center.  
The sign up date had passed, but I begged my way in with the hopes that I will be able to get my money back from the other league this week.
I either had to sign and pay Friday afternoon, or it was a no go.
I took the risk.
(And let us all pray I get that money back from the first league before the Checkbook Nazi balances the checkbook.)


I was a little nervous, but option #2 was a perfect fit.
Skills, drills, and scrimmage. 
 Once a week  
 Hour and a half 
ON the weekend

With each year I have learned to trust my gut instinct.
People often try to tell you what is best for your children, without proper motivation.  
I say your better off trusting your God given parental gifts.

I was so excited to see one of my former students (from my fifth grade days) helping coach.
Not only is he an All State Soccer player, he is 
headed to Campbell University as a kicker for the football team.

#great example
#proud teacher

Go Connor!
Burn some energy!

In other news, Connor had a fun surprise of being picked up by a friend from church, leaving us girls to enjoy the weather!

Pants on the ground, 
Pants on the ground.
We were not being stylish here. 
Finding pants to fit this petite girl is a real challenge.

We are ready for you Spring!
(even though more snow is predicted in the forecast #weep)

We went for a walk to visit our weekend neighbors for pizza, NCAA March Madness, and puppy love.

The kids just loved Ellie.

This morning the children recited the Lord's Prayer.
Can you pick out my "well behaved" child?

Oh yes, we did a retake.

Group II

It was a challenge to get the right shot, but they did a great job.

Great job children! 
I can go into the week remembering your words of comfort from scripture-
Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

God Moments

About three years ago VBS started something called God Sightings/ Moments.  Throughout the week children are to name and write out all the things they see, smell, touch, taste, etc. that come from God.

There are God Sightings/Moments every single minute.

This weekend was filled with them:

DORT (disciples of the round table) Women:
Pizza, games, and funny stories (with a few scary stories).
We missed the ones that couldn't come, but we know sometimes life is so busy you can't get away.  I am glad that I ignored the voice in my head that said stay home and do laundry.
The laughter was medicine.

Speaking of chores-  
I am thankful for my washer/dryer/dishwasher/water that lasted another weekend.

St. Patty's B. Day Party

Kickball with Little Gals

Games & Food

Sunshine & Scenery

Friends & Fun

Speaking of Fun=

Darren and Connor had an outing to see the local AIWF wrestling.
As you can see it was the only important thing this month on the calendar.

This is the first year Connor overcame his fear of noise to go, and in his words it was 'the best night ever'.

As you can see from the promo pics, of course it would be the best night ever for anyone....

I got a wake up call this morning as a result.

Darren sent me text during the whole thing, updating me with important event information:

-You ought to see the people, it gives 'true fans' a whole new meaning.

-Girl at table selling used (and i mean used)wrestling toys, looks like she is bored to death and overdue a cig break.  C. talking her head off about classic wrestling toys.

-He is having the time of his life! This is like Christmas for him.

-Some of these guys are talented.

-I'm looking for a new gig, I wonder if they are hiring.

-C. has made best buds with a 60 year old woman with a truck and tractor pull shirt on, they are chatting and she is making sure that all the wrestlers slap him five.

-A person just said 'I hope its all right I gave your kid candy'.

-Still here.  Dannnngggg. I need to bring my pillow next time.

-I swear I am not making this up.  A HUGE dark wrestler wearing confederate flags, picked C. up and raised him above his head.  I've never seen him this excited.

-I want to tell this 39 year old guy in front of me, you know this isn't real, right?


Saturday Spaghetti Dinner 
(with a side of cupcake)

Shiny & Clean

Tutu Birthday Gift

Just like the books, I still love the first one the best.

I loved the casting for Finnick.  
Forget Gale and Peeta, Finnick ROCKS.

One of my ALL time favorite shows:  Veronica Mars 
(can you tell I love heroines that kick a little a lot of butt?)

2007:  cancelled the show after three seasons and left me hanging: booo hooo.
2013: announced Veronica Mars would be a box office movie:  yahoooooo!
2014:  movie is only playing at select theaters, only one theater in NC:  booo hooo.

This weekend:  friend messaged me and told me that the movie is  ALSO showing on Amazon. yahooooo!

It. was. awesome.
